Feb 23, 2009

Destressifying and Digging Out An Oldie - Nowhere To Fall Video

I tend to stress myself out more than I need to when it comes to laying down a song. I love putting stuff together that has tons of layers, multiple guitars, back up vocals, and drums tracks if I can get them. But I always want to get it as perfect as possible and I almost always start pulling my hair out by the time things are through.

That's the way it has been for the stuff I've been working on most recently. I haven't been able to get it sounding like I want (a couple of simple equipment upgrades would go a long way) and take after take just isn't doing it. So to destressify myself a little I decided to take it old school and do it up simple.

The video below is me performing an old song of mine called "Nowhere To Fall". This is definitely an oldie in my book, I'm thinking it's about 7 years old, it's out of one my old tattered Ampads (the first one actually) and it's about as simple as it gets. I actually just remembered the tune existed a couple of days ago and I thought I'd post it up just for the fun of it. The screws could be tightened a little but it does the trick.

Phew, and now I feel a little better, a little less stressed and I can finally move on. Until the stress of tomorrow hits me that is. I have my first job interview tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Check out the video and let me know what you think. Rock on!

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